The major problem with web based application is the time taken to load pages from web servers and the lack of dynamic capabilities. Now this is changing with the wide usage of technologies (rather a group of technologies) like AJAX. Making use of DHTML, Javascript etc web pages require only delta updation which makes loading faster. Web applications that make use of technologies like AJAX also provide users more desktop like functionalities like changing the look and feel of a website or dragging a mail into trash folder as in the case of desktop email client.
The web is also becoming more like a platform where developers can combine various web based applications into a totally different,bizzare application... like a website that provides information on the cheapest stripclub in paris using googlemaps. Check out
this site for google maps based mash-ups.
The web is slowly transforming into what many people call web2.0 with Google as the vanguard.
Maybe its time again to witness another dotcom boom with many new startups coming up with some interesting ideas for the web.
The desktop PC should get ready for a massive redefinition from software perspective.